My musings

Mum’s Magic from the Mountains

Title: "Mum's Magic from the Mountains: A Culinary Journey into Uttarakhand's Heart" In the heart of the mighty Himalayas lies a land of mystique and magic. Uttarakhand, with its rugged terrain, pristine rivers, and ancient traditions, holds a special place in the tapestry of India. But beyond its breathtaking landscapes, there's a secret that whispers through the valleys and dances in the air—the enchanting flavors of its cuisine. And today, dear reader, I invite you on a whimsical journey into the realm of Uttarakhandi cooking, guided by the memory of my dear mum's culinary wizardry.

My musings

A Culinary Romance: My Love Affair with Dehradun Street Food

In the bustling streets of Dehradun, amidst the chaos of honking horns and hurried pedestrians, lies a treasure trove of culinary delights that has captured my heart like no other—the vibrant and flavorful world of Dehradun street food. Our relationship is one of love, laughter, and an occasional stomachache, filled with spicy adventures and heartwarming encounters. So, grab a plate, and let me take you on a journey through the streets of Dehradun, where every bite tells a story and every vendor is a culinary artist.

My musings

A Serendipitous Encounter: Boiled Eggs, Books, and Ruskin Bond on the Mall Road

In the quaint town of Mussoorie, nestled amidst the majestic Himalayas, there exists a magical place where stories come to life—the Mall Road. Nestled among charming stores, welcoming cafes, and stunning scenery, it's a sanctuary for both wanderers and dreamers. And it was on one such whimsical morning that I found myself strolling along this famed promenade, with a boiled egg in one hand and a beloved book in the other, ready to embark on an adventure of literary proportions.

My musings

Echoes of Chandrataal: Finding Inspiration in Unexpected Places

Let me tell you about a woman who taught me more about living in a few days than I had learned in years. My life was permanently transformed when our paths crossed on a hike to Chandrataal, a crescent-shaped lake tucked away amid the towering Himalayas. The journey began with excitement and apprehension intertwined in equal measure. I had always been drawn to the mountains, to their rugged beauty and silent grandeur. But embarking on a trek of this magnitude was a new challenge altogether. As I laced up my hiking boots and adjusted my backpack, I couldn't shake off the flutter of nerves in my stomach.

Literary Blog

Embracing the Colors of Culture: A Journey Through Indian Festivals in Books

very Indian festival is a kaleidoscope of customs, beliefs, and feelings that sparkle like jewels in the rich tapestry of Indian culture. As someone deeply rooted in Indian heritage, these festivals hold a special place in my heart, evoking a myriad of feelings - nostalgia, joy, reverence, and belonging. Join me on a literary journey as we explore the books that beautifully capture the essence of Indian festivals.

Literary Blog

Whispers Across Time: A Conversation with Rani Lakshmibai

In the golden hour of a sun-soaked winter afternoon, I was lying on my beach mat with my face covered with my hat. The wave sounds were like a lullaby making me doozy. Suddenly, I heard the tapping sound of horses, the murmuring of people, and a bell ringing from afar. I opened my eyes and transported into the historical landscape of 19th-century India.