Explore India Readalong

Explore India Readalong

Hello readers! How are you? Set with all new year goals? Last night, when I posted my year-end reading blog and listened to a TED Talk of Ann Morgan’s (Yeah! I do multitask), I was inspired by how she read books from each county in a year. Then I saw my reading statistics and realized… Continue reading Explore India Readalong

book reviews

Good Bye 2022: End of year Reading Wrap up

Hey, 2022! I loved how we started the year with lots of enthusiasm and hope, and I am glad that we kept our reading spirit high among all the chaos, sadness, failures, setbacks, and fresh starts. 2022 is my third year of reading and reviewing books; I started my reading blog and bookstagram account in 2020. I was eight when I found my love for reading; I remember reading the newspaper's editorial pages and story columns. I always fascinate by the learnings of the stories and try to use them in my daily life. With the passing years, I realized that reading was a hobby and a teacher for me. Stories, poems, and random thoughts with many emotions made up my personality. I wouldn't call myself a woman of principles because, like all flawed things, I occasionally blur the lines between right and wrong and bend them to my convenience. Yet, thanks to literature, I've managed to preserve some virtues and learnings that keep me going through the highs and lows.