My musings

Mum’s Magic from the Mountains

Title: "Mum's Magic from the Mountains: A Culinary Journey into Uttarakhand's Heart" In the heart of the mighty Himalayas lies a land of mystique and magic. Uttarakhand, with its rugged terrain, pristine rivers, and ancient traditions, holds a special place in the tapestry of India. But beyond its breathtaking landscapes, there's a secret that whispers through the valleys and dances in the air—the enchanting flavors of its cuisine. And today, dear reader, I invite you on a whimsical journey into the realm of Uttarakhandi cooking, guided by the memory of my dear mum's culinary wizardry.

My musings

Cooking an Indian Lunch: A Love Language in Action

When you love someone, every small gesture becomes an opportunity to show you care. For me, cooking for my husband is my love language. It's my way of saying, "I love you," without uttering a single word. The kitchen becomes my playground, and the spices are my tools to create a masterpiece that nourishes not just the body but the soul. Today, I'm whipping up an Indian lunch that’s close to my heart: dal rice, mango salsa, and karela sabji.

My musings

A Culinary Odyssey: My Hilarious Adventures with Uttarakhand’s Delicacies

Hello there, fellow food enthusiasts! I'm Kanchan, a regular person from Uttarakhand with an insatiable hunger for all things tasty. I was raised in the quaint town of Almora, where I was surrounded by the majestic Himalayas, the soothing sound of birds chirping, and, above all, the delicious scent of Pahadi food. I cordially invite you to accompany me on this quirky culinary tour of Uttarakhand, which promises to be hilarious, a little chaotic, and, of course, full of delicious food. Now let's get started!

book reviews

Tasty Tiffin: 40+ Delicious and Healthy Lunch Box Ideas for Kids – User-Friendly and Well-Rounded Recipes

For mothers, the morning ritual of preparing school lunches is a cherished yet often daunting task. The quest for nutritious yet enticing meal ideas led me to discover "Tasty Tiffin: 40+ Delicious and Healthy Lunch Box Ideas for Kids" by Archana Doshi. It invites me to explore the treasure trove of culinary delights nestled within its vibrant pages.