book reviews

A Place Called Home | Preeti Shenoy

Book: A place called Home

Publisher: HarperCollins

Author: Preeti Shenoy

Genre: Contemporary Fiction

Paperback: 324 Pages

Buy Book: Amazon

The class system is an enduring feature of Indian history and persists in its roots in modern society. Indian society is often plagued by rifts and hatred between the so-called “upper class” and “lower class” due to the caste system. Through her new book, “A place called home” “Preeti Shenoy” brings the story of a girl named “Alka” whose whole social class differences influence life decisions.


The book follows the story of Alka, who grows up in a small no window room in the Shetty mansion, along with her single mother, who gave her life working as a maid for Shetty. Mrs. Shetty bears all the expense of Alka’s education from school to college and makes sure to give her excellent education; however, there is always a hidden agenda behind it. Alka’s life was not easy; she got bullied at school and faced humiliation because of social class differences. She felt frustrated and irritated by the treatment and decided to change her and her mother’s lives with hard work. She only focused on her studies, excelled in them, and got admission to a good college. In college, she made friends, Mansi and Krish, and from here starts the journey of Alka’s series of decisions that messed up her life and finally brought her to a place called home.

My Intake:

I love Preeti Shenoy’s books because she always brings a story that we hear and witnesses around us; however, I felt something is missing with this book. I like several elements in this book, like the portrayal of pain and humiliation an individual faces because of the class system, morally grey characters, who make mistakes, make wrong life decisions, and lie, and include the sensitive topic of domestic abuse and challenges women face.

The thing I missed in the book is that the plot line has a lot of potential to develop Alka’s character, and I also wish that Krish deserves closure to his problems. I also find the ending bit predictable and abruptly ended.

Overall, it is a decent read.

Book Blurb:

In the windowless, cramped servant’s room at Mrs Shetty’s luxurious house, where her mother is a maid, Alka dreams of an escape. When Mrs Shetty decides to send her to the same school as her daughter, she works hard, moulding herself into a new avatar.

She marries Subbu, a coffee grower with a four hundred acre estate. Between taking care of her heritage home, her two young daughters and her fabulous relationship with her mother-in-law, Alka’s life feels complete.

But when secrets about her past that she has fiercely guarded are exposed, they threaten to destroy her life. To protect all that she has, Alka must fight her demons and travel back to the world she worked so hard to leave behind.

A Place Called Home is a novel about secrets, family, and finding yourself, from bestselling author Preeti Shenoy.

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